Mobile upload space for the peeps! Gossip Never End dolls! ♥xx
She is BACK!! Loving the new single from Brit!!
I just came back from London for more than 2 weeks time probably. No matter how, I do still miss London the most. I could say how much I missed it over and over again! I didn't really go out and enjoy myself while I'm back here. Cause I didn't feel like doing anything.
After a week since I'm back here, I went off to the city with my little sister. I just couldn't believe what I saw and people around me were just so irritating. It was suppose to be a shopping spree with my little sister, but I end up spending more than 3 hours at Starbucks with 2 cup of drinks!
I missed London a lot! I was almost nearly going nuts when I'm back here! Me and Jackson were actually cursing the weather at first went we landed at the airport. We were cursing on the spot like mad people and even my friend were laughing at both of us. Man, how I wish I could just go back to London once more! It's like everyone wish to get back home, but why am I the only who wants to get my arse out of the home even when I haven't stay there for at least 24hr?!I basically need a physiology doctor to check me out. Just in case if I'm going completely nuts with all these reality that I couldn't accept! Just so lost when I'm back to Malaysia. Helpless, is what I felt. Once, I had it in my facebook: I'm back and sticking my ass under this hot weather! If I didn't find a way to leave here soon, God knows what will happen to me!!
2nd September, in which I've been in London for almost nearly a year. Can't believe time just passed so fast. Even Zuzana were back from her 3 months holidays. I just can't accept the reality that I'm gonna leave so soon! Everything were done in such a rush. Felt like I didn't have enough time to even say goodbye to everyone.
The place that I've been living for. From these....
TO--> These: